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04.11.23 18:11

Роман? Ты где???? Чисти гест если тебе кисточку доверили. Не хуя не смешно уже.


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04.11.23 18:08

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

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50 Jews
Young Vizionari


администратор <img width=9 height=15 src="//forum24.ru/gif/img/a.gif">

04.11.23 18:08

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

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04.11.23 18:08

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

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04.11.23 18:07

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

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04.11.23 18:07

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

( hostages of all
50 Jews
Young Vizionari


администратор <img width=9 height=15 src="//forum24.ru/gif/img/a.gif">

04.11.23 14:38

Как проверить модеры все сдохли или кто то остался, даже если меня забанят?

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

( hostages of all
50 Jews
Young Vizionari

• Нравится сидеть в говне, сидите 04.11.23 17:31 Роман

• Усач, мой хороший))) зачисти плиз это дерьмо. Реально читать невозможно) 04.11.23 17:35 EA-SPORTS

• А ты то тогда нахер тут нужен? Тут твою страну оскарбляюют, у тебя родина где? Раз про говно пишешь, то в жопе что-ли? Ну и не высовывайся тогда. Засрем остатки геста. 04.11.23 17:38 Psihh

• Ладно сиди нюхай дальше, напишу в другую контору, которая этим должна заниматься. Самому интересно , что они сделают 04.11.23 17:42 Psihh

• Юра, тебе по нику положено в Спортлото писать, напиши.
Чего это Чучундра писала, не читал проиахнул.
Я Юра здесь за хоккей поговорить, могу долбоёбов типа тебя забанить если хочешь. Мне на посещаемость шеста похуй 04.11.23 17:57 Роман

• Тебя казах в жопу выебал, а ты не заметил? Про хоккей только можешь? Ну и про гавно. Ну меня бань его оставь. Не расстроюсь. 04.11.23 18:03 Psihh

• Похоже тебя отъебали, вон как возбудился. Один казах десять поцреотов отимел 04.11.23 18:06 Роман


постоянный участник

04.11.23 14:50

• Написал Роману. Но он пока не в сети)))) 04.11.23 14:51 EA-SPORTS

• Чего вы на этого хрена иностранного реагируете. Он создал ветку а вы пишете. Хрен с ним пусть создает пока не забанили. А вы возьмите как сейчас свою откройте и будем писать в нее. Этот хрен специально вас троллит а вы ведетесь. Положите на него и его писанину большой и толстый без резинки 04.11.23 15:01 matros

• Честно?)) хрен его знает, что он там написал на своем языке. Даже перевод не хочу запускать. Могут гест просто забанить за что-то,что-то)). Для этого и нужны админы и модеры чтобы стирать эту перхоть. А так.. мне на этого индейца вообще похер))))) 04.11.23 15:10 EA-SPORTS

• Что тут за разборки в маленьком Токио?
Донесите срочно Заварухину чтоб в следущий раз обязательно выиграл Барыс))
А то так и книжку надолго потерять,а книжек таких душевных осталось мало,у нас ,у Чумазых, Гусей и вы..
У Чумазых в принципе она умершая как и команда))

Дайте палку матросу он порядок наведёт 04.11.23 15:23 Голова Магнитского

• Голова, вопрос есть. У Вас на фан секторе лидер все ещё блондинка с голубыми глазами? Фото с ней совместное есть. Хотел узнать как она? Без претензий. Действительно интересно. 04.11.23 15:33 EA-SPORTS

• ЕА спорт я не в курсе,я же диванный болела))
Да и меняются они как перчатки..

Псих подзарядись перед игрой, обожаю этот клип,вот люди играли))

https://yandex.ru/video/touch/preview/11829531333614959267?text=%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%20%D1%85%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BB%20%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BF&path=yandex_search&parent-reqid=1699094598414196-16260478897364343685-balancer-l7leveler-kubr-yp-vla-42-BAL-3006&from_type=vast 04.11.23 15:47 Голова Магнитского

• Состав огонь на матч))) 04.11.23 16:43 EA-SPORTS

• Кто-нибудь откройте ветку на матч. У меня карма плохая)))))))))) 04.11.23 16:49 EA-SPORTS

• Вон Псих уже веток понаоткрывал 04.11.23 16:52 Dr. Andy

• Ну сорвался человек. Все бывает. Я его поддерживаю в этом случае. Такого как Пьеро самфан контролировать надо.Админы видимо на рыбалке))))). 04.11.23 16:54 EA-SPORTS

• Зав какой то грустный. Не иначе похолодало. Из приоткрытой двери потянуло свежим морозом 04.11.23 17:02 matros

• Макс, я ничего не получал 04.11.23 17:24 Роман

• В вк посмотри)) 04.11.23 17:37 EA-SPORTS

• Блин, где моя кнопка)))) давно бы уже эту перхоть снес)))))). Роман, хватит бычить, очисти гест. 04.11.23 17:40 EA-SPORTS


администратор <img width=9 height=15 src="//forum24.ru/gif/img/a.gif">

04.11.23 14:38

Как проверить модеры все сдохли или кто то остался, даже если меня забанят?

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

( hostages of all
50 Jews
Young Vizionari

04.11.23 17:30 Роман


администратор <img width=9 height=15 src="//forum24.ru/gif/img/a.gif">

04.11.23 14:34

Как проверить модеры все сдохли или кто то остался, даже если меня забанят?

Current time in: Israel November 04, 11:25 AM
IDF fights deep into Gaza, takes out terrorists, infrastructure
1,400 Israelis murdered since October 7, including 339 soldiers • 241 held hostage by Hamas, four hostages released, one rescued
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
IDF soldiers fight Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
13 Hours ago
Israel's Givati Brigade uncovers Hamas intel in northern Gaza stronghold
Operational maps, command and control tables and personal details of commanders who operate within the terrorist organization, were discovered.
Soldiers for the Givati brigade of the IDF took control over a Hamas stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, uncovering documentation that could be crucial for the IDF moving forward in the war, according to a Friday statement from the IDF spokesperson.

The facility was said to house Najaba terrorists and the Jabaliya-based Hamas intelligence headquarters.

Within the stronghold, soldiers uncovered Hamas intelligence headquarters and associated documentation, complete with detailed maps, tables, means of communication and personal details about Hamas terrorists and commanders.

Similar content was found on the bodies of both captured and dead terrorists following the October 7th attacks.

Command and control charts as well as operational orders for the terrorist organization were also uncovered.

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2 Hours ago
WATCH: IDF battles 15 terrorists in northern Gaza Strip
The IDF soldiers operated in areas where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities.
IDF operates in northern Gaza (photo credit: IDF)
IDF operates in northern Gaza
(photo credit: IDF)
The IDF ground forces have been operating in Gaza for a week, eliminating Hamas terrorists and destroying the organization's strategic infrastructure.

During the past few days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence, under the command of Division 460 in the northern Gaza Strip, operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack IDF forces through tunnel systems and Hamas military facilities, the IDF reported Saturday morning.

The IDF forces eliminated terrorists who were active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization's means of warfare.

IDF takes on 15 terrorists at once
In one of the recent battles on Friday, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The soldiers eliminated several terrorists and targeted tanks destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

IDF soldiers operated in an area where numerous attempts were made to attack them through tunnel systems and military facilities. The forces eliminated the Hamas terrorists.

Read full story by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/P0XJ3xANVt

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
Forces fire missiles as terrorists exit tunnel
Additionally, during a focused operation in the southern Gaza Strip, Engineering and Reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division, carried out building mapping and neutralized explosive devices.

Israeli Air Force's attacks in the Gaza Strip | Read more by @MaayanJaffe: https://t.co/uhZdzikzNU pic.twitter.com/tsYnNsUc1v

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) November 4, 2023
During the operation, the forces encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired missiles towards the terrorists, eliminating them.

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3 Hours ago
Zelensky to visit Israel in midst of ongoing war with Hamas - report
The Ukrainian President will visit Israel next week, as it was reported already in the first week of the war that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023 (photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. September 19, 2023
(photo credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Israel next week, amidst the ongoing war over the past few weeks, according to an initial N12 report on Friday.

Various sources already in the first week of the war reported that the Ukrainian President expressed interest in visiting Israel, but was rejected on the matter.

According to the report, there are advanced talks regarding the visit. Once agreed upon, the visit of the Ukrainian president is expected to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

Zelensky's reaction to October 7 massacre
In a speech delivered by Zelensky before the UN assembly, two days after the murderous massacre carried out by Hamas in the south of the country, he said that "Hamas and Russia are the same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine."

He has also made clear that "Israel's right to self-defense is unquestionable. All details surrounding this terrorist assault must be revealed so that the world knows and holds accountable everyone who supported and helped carry out the attack."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (not pictured) in front of the presidential palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 6, 2023. (credit: Ritzau Scanpix/Ida Marie Odgaard via REUTERS)
Relations between Israel and Ukraine have seen a few ups and downs since the Russian invasion at the end of February 2022. Zelensky has explicitly criticized Israel in the past for not providing sufficient military aid to the Ukrainians.

Only a few weeks before the Hamas massacre, Zelensky met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a basement conference room at the United Nations, where the Ukrainian leader said that Ukraine "expects more" from Israel.

Ukraine has wanted to purchase Israeli defensive anti-missile systems.

Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.

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3 Hours ago
'You shouldn't have started the war,' Portugal's president tells Palestinian ambassador
Against the backdrop of demonstrations by Hamas supporters in Britain, in the country he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.
By MAARIV ONLINETwitter Facebook
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event (photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gestures near national flags of Israel and Portugal upon landing at Ben Gurion International Airport to take part in a Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial event
(photo credit: CORINNA KERN/REUTERS)
The Portuguese president harshly criticized the Palestinian ambassador after he attacked Israel on Friday.

Portugal 🇵🇹 president roasts the Palestinian ambassador who complains about Israel's attacks:

“The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it.”

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 3, 2023
"Radicalism creates an ambiance of radicalism, and this time the radicalism started from some Palestinians," President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa told to the Palestinian ambassador. "That's not an excuse for [the] reaction, it was brutal," responded the ambassador.

"I know, I know you blame the Israelis, but this time someone from your side started it," said Rebelo de Sousa "The Palestinian side started it. You can't blame Israel, you shouldn't have started it."

Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Police officers guard 'The Cenotaph' on the day of a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in London, Britain, October 28, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
Pro-Hamas demonstrations
"Meanwhile, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on British Remembrance Day, and locals fear that this will disrupt the day that honors the war dead," Rebelo de Sousa said.

He also added: "I asked the Minister of the Interior to support the police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Memorial Day. The right to remember, in peace and honor, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected."

Amongst demonstrations by Pro-Palestine supporters in Britain, in the country, he expressed concern that the demonstrations would take place on British Remembrance Day, November 11.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the intention to demonstrate on this particular day a "provocative and disrespectful" act.

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6 Hours ago
Rising death toll in Gaza is tragic, but Holocaust scholars should know it's not genocide - opinion
Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million
By DAVID LEE PRESTONTwitter Facebook
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli soldiers look up at pictures of victims of the Holocaust at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial centre, ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day starting this evening, at the Hall of Names, in Jerusalem April 27, 2022.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
(JTA) — Up in Broome County, New York, beneath a simple marker in a family plot in Hale Eddy Cemetery, I believe the Rev. Dr. Franklin Hamlin Littell is turning in his grave.

Littell, the son of a Methodist minister who also became one, was a towering figure in the study of the Holocaust and genocide. In postwar West Germany, he spent almost a decade as chief Protestant religious adviser to the High Commission on Germany, assigned to denazification. In 1958 at Emory University in Atlanta, he initiated the first US graduate seminar on the Holocaust. Eighteen years later in Philadelphia, as chair of Temple University’s religion department, he started the world’s first doctoral program in Holocaust studies. And in 1998 at Stockton University in Pomona, New Jersey, he and his wife, Marcia Sachs Littell, established the first interdisciplinary master’s program in Holocaust and genocide studies.

My late mother, Halina Wind Preston, a Jewish educator who survived 14 months hiding from the Nazis in the sewers of Lviv, was a frequent attendee at an annual Holocaust scholars’ conference cofounded by Littell. I knew Littell, who died in 2009, and at his invitation in 2000 I traveled from Atlanta, where I was a senior editor at CNN.com, to speak on “Professional Ethics After Auschwitz” at the 30th conference in Philadelphia.

So I can imagine Littell’s revulsion if he knew that the word “genocide” was being misused against Israel by scholars and activists — including an Israeli historian who now directs the Stockton program he started.

As Israel retaliates in the wake of the bloody rampage of October 7 — in which Hamas killed 1,500 Israelis, including 260 people at a music festival and hundreds of civilians in nearby communities, and took more than 200 hostages — Raz Segal, the Israeli historian who directs the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at Stockton University, has been attracting worldwide attention by blaming the victims.

Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Stirp, as seen from Ashkelon on October 17 (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
On October 18, at a vigil on the University of Pennsylvania campus, Segal called President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel “support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.” On October 13, Jewish Currents published “A Textbook Case of Genocide,” in which Segal wrote that “Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed” and that “Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Segal is far from a lone voice accusing Israel of genocide. At Penn, a student group that organized a rally October 16 said it “unequivocally stands with Palestine in the face of ongoing genocide committed by the Israeli government, which has been assisted by other Western allies like the United States.” On October 24 in Washington, D.C., students at George Washington University projected the message “Divestment from Zionist Genocide Now” onto a library facade.

And on Tuesday, Craig Mokhiber, director in the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights, resigned, citing Israel for a “textbook case of genocide.”

Littell understood that “genocide” was coined in 1944 by a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin to denote “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group.” Lemkin wrote that genocide is intended “to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. ”

Historian Michael Berenbaum, distinguished professor of Jewish studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, said that Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors and that Littell would be appalled at the suggestion that Israel was committing genocide in its attempts to root out the fighters and sever the leadership of a group that killed and kidnapped Israelis.

“I knew and worked with and deeply respected Franklin Littell for the last 40 years of his life,” Berenbaum, who was a visiting distinguished professor at Stockton under Littell, told me. “These statements would be anathema to his values.”

Richard Libowitz, coauthor with Marcia Sachs Littell and Dennis B. Klein of “The Genocidal Mind,” agreed that the Israeli incursion does not constitute genocide.

Israel “has never advocated nor sought the total annihilation of an Arab population, whether in Israel proper, the West Bank or Gaza,” said Libowitz, who received a Ph.D. in religion under Franklin Littell at Temple and is retired from the faculties of Temple and St. Joseph’s University.

Palestinian population has risen
Indeed, since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Palestinian population in what now includes Israel, the West Bank and Gaza has risen from 1.4 million to 6.6 million, including 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Libowitz acknowledged the ferocity of the Israeli military strikes on Gaza in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as the Palestinian death toll as reported by the Hamas-run health ministry rose above 9,000.

“Civilian casualties in Gaza — especially the death of children — are tragic,” said Libowitz. “Hamas carried out the worst murder of Jews since the Holocaust and the outrage should be understood. Israel intends to destroy Hamas, but Magen David Adom [the Israeli Red Cross] personnel treated wounded terrorists after their attack. Gazans were warned to flee the northern part of the strip. This is human tragedy, but it is not genocide.”

He added: “The stated aim of Hamas — to wipe Israel from the Earth — is certainly a genocidal intent.”

Polly Zavadivker, an assistant professor of history at the University of Delaware, told me that Segal’s statements on genocide “threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.”

Zavadivker, who teaches courses in antisemitism, the Holocaust, and comparative genocide, said that an accusation that Israel is committing genocide “renders the word meaningless.”

In 1973, after working on it for four years, Franklin Littell and 17 other Christian theologians released a 14-point statement on Israel. The statement, which appeared as an appendix in Littell’s book, seems strikingly relevant 50 years later.

“The charge is sometimes made that Israel is belligerently expansionistic as a result of its military triumphs in the Six-Day War,” it said in part. “Visitors to Israel, however, can easily discover that the overriding concern of the majority of Israelis is peace, not more territory. Israel’s anxiety about national defense reflects the age-old human yearning for security, the anxiety of a people whose history has been a saga of frightful persecution, climaxed by the Holocaust of six million men, women, and children.

“Against such a tormented background, is it surprising that the Jewish people should want to defend themselves?” they continued. “Criticism that would use the failure of Israel to live up to the highest moral standards as an excuse to deny its right to exist … would be a double standard, one not applied to any other nation on earth.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

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6 Hours ago
Evidence of a shift among Democrats as calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter.
By RON KAMPEAS/JTATwitter Facebook
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023 (photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
US PRESIDENT Joe Biden speaks during his visit to Israel, October 2023
(photo credit: MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90)
WASHINGTON (JTA) — As Joe Biden was speaking a political fundraiser in Minneapolis this week, a rabbi and activist with an anti-Zionist Jewish group stood up and shouted, “Mr. President, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden’s response: “Well, I understand her emotion. I really do.” The president went on to enumerate the steps he’s taken to ease Palestinian civilian suffering in Gaza: urging Israel to pause the fighting so hostages can be released and pushing Egypt to let people exit Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula.

The next day, another expression of concern for Palestinian civilians came from Biden’s chief diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before he boarded a flight to Israel.

“When I see a Palestinian child – a boy, a girl – pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building, that hits me in the gut as much as seeing a child from Israel or anywhere else,” he said. “So this is something that we have an obligation to respond to, and we will.”

Biden and Blinken’s statements are two of several signals that a shift of sorts is happening in the White House and among Democrats in D.C. Alongside the unabashed support Biden has shown Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 killed and wounded thousands, the president and other leaders in his party are now placing increasing emphasis on protecting Palestinian civilians and pausing the fighting as the war marks its first month with thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attends a press conference, during his visit to Israel, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel November 3, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)
One sign of a change came on Thursday, when Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the chamber’s number-two Democrat, called for a ceasefire — the first senator to at least partially endorse the central demand of pro-Palestinian and other progressive groups. Durbin said a ceasefire could happen only when Hamas releases the more than 200 hostages it kidnapped on Oct. 7.

“I think it is,” Durbin said when CNN anchor Poppy Harlow asked him if a ceasefire is needed now. “At least in the context of both sides agreeing. For example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be a part of this. Immediate release. That should be the beginning of it. An effort should be made to engage in conversation between the Israelis and the Palestinians.”

On Friday, he joined a dozen other Democratic senators in signing a statement endorsing Biden’s call for “a short-term cessation of hostilities that pose high risk to civilians” and other noncombatants. The statement endorsed a pause in the fighting, rather than a full ceasefire advocated by progressive and pro-Palestinian activists.

Calls for a ceasefire
The calls for a ceasefire, which began almost as soon as the war started, have been endorsed by more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress — but rejected by Israel as a non-starter. Israel has vowed to depose Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, and a ceasefire would leave the terror group in power. Biden administration officials say they still oppose a permanent ceasefire, and back Israel’s ultimate aim of destroying Hamas.

On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told Blinken that he would reject a “temporary ceasefire” until Hamas released all of the hostages — a blow to the Biden administration’s push for humanitarian pauses in the fighting.

“We will not accept a temporary ceasefire that does not return our hostages,” Netanyahu said in a televised address to the nation after meeting in Israel on Friday with Blinken, who is in the region to seek relief for Palestinians while showing support for Israel. “We will not allow fuel into Gaza, and we object to the transfer of money into Gaza.”

Blinken went into his Israel trip determined to make the case for increasing the entry of aid into Gaza. At first, Israel fully barred aid from Gaza, but the daily inflow now stands at 50-60 trucks a day. “We need that and want that to increase, and I expect you’ll see that in the coming days,” Blinken said Thursday on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, just before leaving.

The same day, John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, said the Biden Administration would seek a series of humanitarian pauses to facilitate relief.

“We’re really not just talking about, like, one pause,” Kirby said at the daily White House press breifing. “What we’re trying to do is explore the idea of as many pauses that might be necessary to continue to get aid out and to continue to work to get people out safely, including hostages.”

Speaking to media after meeting Netanyahu, Blinken did not back down from his quest for pauses in the fighting, but recognized that they would not happen immediately.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses — arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance,” he said referring to bringing in relief, releasing hostages and allowing more Palestinians to cross into Egypt.

“How when and where these can be implemented, what work needs to happen and what understandings need to be reached — we recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he said. “A number of legitimate questions were raised today — how to use any period of pause to maximize the flow of aid, how to connect the pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use the pause to own advantage. We believe they can be solved.”

In his televised address, Netanyahu, his voice at times choked, said he showed Blinken a video of children wailing while watching terrorists murder their father.

Blinken also teared up at his own press conference, describing the video.

“I saw, for example, a family on a kibbutz, a father of two young boys — maybe 10, 11 years old — grabbing them, pulling them out of their living room, going through their very small backyard and into a shelter, followed seconds later by a terrorist who throws a grenade into that small shelter,” he said.

Netanyahu concluded his speech by describing the heroism of some Israeli troops who have fallen in the ground incursion into Gaza, which started last week.

“We will do everything that is needed to defeat our enemies, with the help of God, and with the help of you citizens of Israel,” he said in remarks screened just before the onset of Shabbat. “We will do it and we will be victorious.”

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6 Hours ago
Who killed a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza?
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine voices on social media each blame the opposite side for the killing of a group of civilians fleeing to the south of Gaza, but what does the evidence say?
By YUVAL BARNEATwitter Facebook
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A general view of Beach refugee camp showing the erosion of the shore and new vertical wave breakers placed inside the sea in Gaza City July 26, 2022.
A video made the rounds on social media on Thursday showing several dead Palestinians lying in the road, belongings strewn where they fell. A man, on a bicycle, rides through the chaotic scene shouting "God, a child. God, women. God, the girl. Please God protect our people. Please look."

The video is the latest in a series of videos from Gaza that show what pro-Palestine voices described as "Israeli war crimes." Pro-Israel voices have claimed conversely that the video shows evidence of a Hamas massacre of civilians fleeing south.

+18..Horrific scenes now on Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza, after the occupation bombed the displaced people 🇵🇸 pic.twitter.com/p1MSPmmSki

— Gaza Now in English (@EnglishGaza) November 3, 2023
The video claims to show the Al Rashid Coastal Road which is the only major road on the coast to run from the border with Egypt until reaching the Gaza marina. In the video, the man on the bike is indeed cycling north along the road, this can be confirmed when the man turns his head to the left and we see the coastal sand dunes.

Reuters, and multiple other sources, confirmed that the location was the Al Rashid Coastal Road specifically the section between Wadi Gaza and Gaza City. Reuters was unable to confirm anything else about the video, such as the identity of the person filming, those seen in the video, or what killed them.

( hostages of all
50 Jews
Young Vizionari

• Все ок, Юра. Меня этот киргиз тоже выбесил уже со своими опусами. Относись к нему как клоуну) 04.11.23 14:38 EA-SPORTS

04.11.23 17:29 Роман


постоянный участник

04.11.23 14:32

Типа привет админам?))) Роман, пора уже мышей ловить)))


04.11.23 14:02

Пока ждём вечернюю возможную победу, на канале матч русская классика и знакомые фамилии - Сохатский, Цыганов, Рассейкин, Литовченко и Переляев, вроде тоже у нас играл.

• Ждем голов мы снова, снова от Димона Цыганова). Вспомнилось))) 04.11.23 14:25 EA-SPORTS


02.11.23 09:33


Картинка на КХЛ-ТВ и ОТВ в 19-00.

В прошлом матче хорошо же бегали. Предлагаю сегодня продолжить!

• Можно проиграть, это же регулярка. А в плей-офф скажут так: можно проиграть, ведь в следующем сезоне снова будет плей-офф. )) 02.11.23 11:34 Uraletz

• Уралец, чё ты умничаешь? Выиграем мы сегодня или проиграем, можно не можно, в плей офф всё равно вылетим в первом раунде. 02.11.23 16:07 Psihh

• Большинство "огонь" 02.11.23 19:15 bessermann

• Первая пошла. Как легко пустил Аликин 02.11.23 19:17 bessermann

• Аликин когда-нибудь шайбы ловить будет? За что ему 52 млн платят? 02.11.23 19:19 Dr. Andy

• Очень даже неплохо ловит шайбы, которые мимо ворот летят 02.11.23 19:23 bessermann

• Обидин сегодня в огне 💪
Третий момент за период. Забил все таки))) 02.11.23 19:25 bessermann

• Нет Кости нет большинства 02.11.23 19:26 matros

• Кергиз на тренерской скамейке угорает над нами 02.11.23 20:16 Dr. Andy

• Аликин все таки переоцененный кипер. 02.11.23 20:19 bessermann

• matros, то что большинство в команде стало зависеть от одного человека результат сука "долгой и кропотливой работы" наших недоменеджеров. А так я стал сравнивать и пришёл к выводу, что команда играет хуже чем вариант 17-18. Так что просто боремся за выход в плей офф. 02.11.23 20:19 Psihh

• Начинает надоедать игра команды(((((( 02.11.23 20:23 EA-SPORTS

• И ведь этот кипер едет на матч звёзд 02.11.23 20:25 bessermann

• Псих а я что доказываю с начала сезона. Программа максимум это попасть в плофф. И все сезон удался. А дальше как обычно новая команда. Новые контракты. Новый Заварухин. На старого списывают все грехи он уходит в Сибирь и обыгрывает Авто и в плоф и в регулярке. Ну не надо всем побеждать ни игрокам ни руководству 02.11.23 20:35 matros

• Ну звезда, все таки 3 место по зарплате в лиге 02.11.23 20:35 Dr. Andy

• Только за водочкой вышел и они сравняли 🤦‍♂️ 02.11.23 20:46 bessermann

• Бегом за добавкой 02.11.23 20:51 Dr. Andy

• На матч высшей лиги похоже. Голышев полминуты стоял на пятаке в носу ковырялся. 02.11.23 20:54 Psihh

• Смотрю на таблицу и вижу что мы так-то на девятом месте. 02.11.23 20:55 Psihh

• Кергизы две игры по булкам выиграли вроде. Понимаю теперь, почему они впятером на своей синей встречают 02.11.23 21:05 bessermann

• Команды пока нет. Появится или нет не известно. Большинства нет, булки бить не кому. И если наши пролезут в плей офф, то весной после вылета, опять поменяют два три члена. Оставят 15 и 88 и всё опять по кругу. 02.11.23 21:10 Psihh

• Ну всё...булиты. Можно выключать. 02.11.23 21:19 Psihh

• Трямыч даже когда его не атакуют умудряется накосячить 02.11.23 21:20 bessermann

• Ору. Дно 52 специально во вратаря кидает. Ответка - сразу гол. Фонбет??? 02.11.23 21:22 bessermann

• Банда жирных миллионеров. Даже булки забить не могут 02.11.23 21:24 matros

• Поздравляю с вырванным очком! 02.11.23 21:24 Dr. Andy

• Абсолютно закономерно. А воще повезло то что не 1-3 в основное. 02.11.23 21:25 Psihh

• Аликина в горняк! Кергизов с победой, по делу 02.11.23 21:25 baron

• Поздравляем Паскуале с первой победой сезона! С кем как не с дном из Екатеринбурга 02.11.23 21:26 bessermann

• Я за девятое место в регулярке и пол-команды на улицу. По другому не дойдёт. 02.11.23 21:26 Psihh

• Все бывает, едем дальше.. 02.11.23 21:28 EA-SPORTS

• Урезать фонд зарплаты до минимума. Рябкова с Гроссом на мороз. Дацюка на место Рябкова вдруг получится. Вот тогда когда зарплата будет на уровне заводского токаря перестану критиковать и возмущаться 02.11.23 21:31 matros

• Опять дацюка на чьё-то место.... Матрос хорошо, что ты не хозяин клуба. 02.11.23 21:33 Psihh

• БАРЫС ЧЕМПИОН! 02.11.23 21:39 samphan

• Да барыс чемпион. 02.11.23 21:41 Psihh

• Варицкого на место Гросса с Рябковым. Тем более не чужой человек 02.11.23 21:55 baron

• Очко тоже хлеб)
По булкам проиграть не зазорно,в плей-офф их не будет. 02.11.23 22:13 Голова Магнитского

БАРЫС ПОБЕДИЛ! 02.11.23 23:09 samphan

• Кстати дальше топы (для авто). Амур, НХ, Сибирь 02.11.23 23:54 bessermann

• Бароша, и Булатова Лешу вместе с Варей. Но это пока невозможно. Гросс наше всё.. 03.11.23 05:00 EA-SPORTS

• Псих да мне уже похер кого в клуб. Лишь бы Рябкова с Гроссом уволили. Хоть Дацюка на их место хоть кого еще Не возражаю если тебя на место Рябкова. Вместо Гросса сам найдешь 03.11.23 07:48 matros

• хм .... а я бы и правда Дацюку дал бы порулить.... можно даже совместить две должности рябковгросс ...
денег у него и так достаточно заработано было в америке .... плюс он бизнес тут намутил ....
так что копеечка капает я думаю нормальная ....
в силу этого откатных контрактов как у Бывальцева я думаю делать не будет ...
ну или будет , но в меру 03.11.23 09:00 Алексей ГР

• Дацюк вроде бы уже имеет должность при клубе - что-то там про развитие молодых игроков... И пока какого-то развития не особо заметно. 03.11.23 09:11 Dr. Andy

УУУУРРРРРРРААААААААА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 03.11.23 09:37 samphan

• Дацюк очень молодых развивает, результат если и увидим, то через несколько лет. Пока же у молодых в основе кроме упорства особо ничего нет. Единоборства проигрывают, в завершении тормозят также как и взрослые. Состояние как и у всей Команды, комбинируют вроде, бегают, мысль есть какая-то, но нет реализации, потому что все зависают в конце, так, что любой соперник успевает накрыть. Все это следствие недоработки в физике, наверное. 03.11.23 10:01 shadowkiller


03.11.23 14:16 samphan

• Админы забаньте плиз этого дурачка. Эта гостевая про Автомобилист, а не про какой-то донный борыс 03.11.23 17:15 bessermann

• bessermann, просто игнорируй. Ему надоест и оно само уйдёт. Когда в зоопарке у клетки с обезьяной нет ни одного человека она сидит в дальнем углу чешет очко и бананы ест. 03.11.23 17:43 Psihh

• Сегодня трактор выиграет у отмирала и здравствуй 7 место и сосед нефтехимик. А там и до дна недалеко 03.11.23 17:47 matros

• Откуда этот казахский шаман появился. 03.11.23 17:48 ILNAR62

• Он вас провоцирует 03.11.23 17:50 ILNAR62

• Он знает что не досегаемый так и ведет себя.а на самом деле как мышь. 03.11.23 17:52 ILNAR62

• А Сампхан хорош,на ровном месте годный срАч развёл,такие люди на оллхокке за золотых будут))

А всего лишь надо то было?
Выиграть у Барыса))

Заварухина в отставку 03.11.23 18:15 Голова Магнитского

• Честно говоря я тоже посмеялся. Забирайте его на Оллхокк). Ничего против этого ресурса не имею))) 03.11.23 18:40 EA-SPORTS

• Там не только Заву.надо пол команды убирать.а зарплату надо платить как на производстве.тариф плюс премия за выйгрыш.тогда будут биться.в команде много лояльности по зарплате. 03.11.23 18:57 ILNAR62

• Команда Автомобилист это политический проект а не спортивный. 03.11.23 19:32 matros

• Матрос а поподробнее?
Просто если политической проект то он должен выстреливать,а тут труп))
Согласись как то попахивает мазахизмом) 03.11.23 19:43 Голова Магнитского

• Про Заварухина только ленивый не высказался. Да, я тоже согласен, что НН весьма специфичный тренер, скажем так -для весьма небогатых клубов он был бы хорош, там, где из ничего, нужно сделать что-то. Игровиков он не тянет, не умеет их использовать..ему нужно "копать пятак", "затаскивать мусорные голы" , махать метлой", что бы отброситься. Команда выполняет то, что от неё требуют. На выходе - пиздец, так этот пиздец ещё и прогрессирует, посмотрите на молодняк наш..они не играют, они копают. Нужен умный, техничный в прошлом игрок, который сможет грамотно организовать линии..короче - Дацука на мостик, больше свободных нет. А этими Мартемьяновыми/Заварухиными только время теряем, не построив и не добившись ничего 03.11.23 20:09 Scarface

• Как я вижу на правду не претендую.
Создали лигу кхл. Плюс главный папа начал играть в хоккей. И что бы никто не спросил почему в таком большом городе нет своей команды создали в кхл команду. Разумеется знаю что она и раньше была. Просто в кхл другой бюджет который еще надо найти. А сейчас все хорошо есть команда держится в середине таблицы народ ходит на зрелище. А вот результаты уже не нужны. Ну не шмогла 03.11.23 20:11 matros

• Матрос но в целом посыл имеет место быть..

Дед прям резко хоккей полюбил,что по слухам Билла никто не иной а он на ОИ в Сочи поставил,тот вроде как не хотел.
Отсюда поимели то что поимели..

Лишь бы как нибудь за завтраком он не увидел Чумазых по телевизору с вопросом а они были чемпионами?)

За ДацУка я бы банил.)) 03.11.23 20:25 Голова Магнитского

• Он вас провоцирует Сегодня 17:50 ILNAR62
Что скажешь, мой далекий татарский братишка? Когда свою обрусевшую Българию будете отделять от Путакистана? 03.11.23 20:35 samphan

• Интересно, Роман это долго будет терпеть или вынесетбан?) ]))) 03.11.23 21:01 EA-SPORTS

• Давайте про хоккей. У клуба дохера проблем. Нахуй нам это сельско-казахтсоке зрелище? Живем своей жизнью. 03.11.23 21:07 EA-SPORTS

• У казашек так же - вдоль! Вы не поверите..присунул, а там ничего нового! Выходит - тоже обычные люди! Что за разжигание говна тут происходит?
Вопрос - Чей Крым? Только на хохлопитеков действует, а вот вопрос на который никто из самых прошаренных ниразу прямо не ответил- ты кто по мусульманской дороге ? Сунит, шиит, хариджит, плавит, аббадит, исмаилит ? - Ответь на вопрос прямо, а потом расскажи - почему ! Все! Процессор перегружен , начинается бессвязный бред, либо слив в молчанку, т.к сказать не умеют. 03.11.23 21:20 Scarface

• Макс, да не надо на них внимание обращать,
я вот в отпуске не совсем трезв)))), все прекращаю
кормить троллей. 03.11.23 21:25 Миша (SDD)

• ЕА спорт а давайте про хоккей?
И сидит ждёт когда кто нибудь напишет, хорошая позиция у человека))

Нет уж ты давай пиши а мы как благодарные читатели оценим.. 03.11.23 21:57 Голова Магнитского

• От души всех поздравлю с 7-м местом))) причем 8,9 на две игры меньше и отставание 4 очка))) дно не за горами.
Кстати в лиге появился еще один ГТ Заварухин))) 03.11.23 22:00 bessermann

• Голова, давай поговорим. Это ты здесь перхоть пустотелая. Я готов к любому разговору. Закидывай темы. Даже интересно. 03.11.23 22:04 EA-SPORTS

• ЕА Спортс так я тебя хочу почитать,про хоккей а ты не пишешь))
Я то здесь причем..
Я лишь вставляю свои пять копеек..
Не поленился пробежался по веткам,не густо ты пишешь это мягко сказано..

Давай уже соберись,с кем готовить обмены,кого рассторгать?
Когда Автомобилист станет чемпионом?)) 03.11.23 22:10 Голова Магнитского

• Херовый дизайн формы "Автомобилиста", совершенно бездарная эмблема, тупое цветовое и композиционное оформление ледовой арены - вот прекрасные темы для хоккейного дискурса.
Что скажешь, Голова Магнитского? 03.11.23 22:23 samphan

• Голова.. Хотя чего это голова? Ты здесь перхоть магнитная, привыкни к тому, что здесь тебя могут тряпками за бросать и это будет справедливо. Извини, голова, но тебя топку, без сожаления. Дальше сам думай. Ваш хоккей нахер никому не нужен. Молись на Россию)) 03.11.23 22:48 EA-SPORTS

• Про хоккей)))
Наша молодежь дерет киргтзов 12-1)))) 03.11.23 22:52 Миша (SDD)

• Разлетелись голуби))) и не одного, слова про хоккей от головы и нашего друга из Казахстана))). 03.11.23 22:58 EA-SPORTS

• В первую очередь- тренер и ТШ, НН не тянет, однозначно. для решения задач выше попадания во второй круг плоф, с данным набором игроков, нужен совершенно другой подход, другая игра, а не то, что ставит этот колхозник.Тактика,типа - Сибирь, Адмирал, Нефтехимик..без обид, ни к чему хорошему не приведет, а мы с бюджетом втрое! играем в это же. Позор! 03.11.23 23:08 Scarface

• Давайте думать, как выходить ? Попали мы, теперь нужна наша помощь.... 03.11.23 23:15 EA-SPORTS

• Сампхан
Насчёт дизайна и эмблемы в целом конечно уныло,но тут как грится на вкус и цвет,мне вот форма Магнитки нынешняя тоже не особо заходит,а нравится та стАрая в Суперлиге с огнями,а кому то Лис нравится.

Но ждём новую арену,правда пока её строят она всё время горит,будто боженька не хочет большой хоккей в Екатеринбурге))

ЕА спорт
Не лезь в интернет))
За какую Россию мы будем болеть?
Ту которая чуть в финале немцам не саснула?
Нет спасибо не надо))
Будем ждать когда нас разбанят.. Дождёмся ли большой вопрос!

А Авто будем вытаскивать вместе сообща,ты ,я ,матрос псих возьмёмся за руки и будем тащить Авто
Сейчас АвтоВАЗ выпускает один 8 клоп древний как говно мамонта, ещё с 80 х годов который.
Будем надеятся что куда нибудь он нас увезёт 03.11.23 23:30 Голова Магнитского

• Голова Магнитского
"Насчёт дизайна и эмблемы в целом конечно уныло,но тут как грится на вкус и цвет..."
Нет, ГМ, не тот случай. На вкус и цвет это когда проблема в спорных нюансах. А тут вопиющий трэшовый, колхозлиговый дизайн. Есть же, в конце-концов, тренды, стиль, мода. Провинция... Хотя в Омске креативы в последние годы крутые.

"Ту которая чуть в финале немцам не саснула?"
Они и соснули. Арбитр спас. Помню как комментатор выл и рыдал от близившегося ужаса. Швейцарский коррумпированный фазель-блаттер в перерыве подсуетился. 03.11.23 23:59 samphan

• Мой дорогой сельский друг, тебе сказали не лезть на этот гест. Лохушка, хочешь продолжить. Я готов, вперед)) 04.11.23 02:22 EA-SPORTS

• Голова, да не вытащить эту команду ни какими домкратами. Там центр тяжести глубоко под землей. 04.11.23 03:24 vizor

• Визор, ты про Ельцина опять?))) 04.11.23 13:29 EA-SPORTS


02.11.23 10:50

Здорова, самоеды.

• Ого. Проводник вагона снова с нами? 02.11.23 13:19 EA-SPORTS

• Все живы-здоровы? 02.11.23 14:48 samphan

• Не Макс, проводник был башкир,
а этот узбек. 02.11.23 15:50 Миша (SDD)

• А ты Миша сам-то чьих? 02.11.23 16:25 samphan

• Миша, проводник казахский, это он 02.11.23 17:21 Роман

• Эберт должен 6 ноября быть в составе 02.11.23 18:10 Роман

• ГООООООЛЛЛЛ!!!! 02.11.23 19:26 samphan

• БАРЫЫЫЫЫЫЫСССССССС!!!!!!!! АЛГААААААААА!!!!!! 02.11.23 20:12 samphan

• GOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!! BARYYYYSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! 02.11.23 20:29 samphan

• О нихера.
Кутак сарасынба!!! 02.11.23 20:33 baron

• Кхиеу самфан 02.11.23 20:33 baron

• АЛГА, БАРЫЫЫЫЫЫССССССС!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 02.11.23 20:52 samphan

• "Кутак сарасынба!!! "
Молодец, Барон. У нас все русские каз. яз. изучают. Ты, я вижу, тоже преуспел. 02.11.23 20:55 samphan

• Да не это я казахов когда вижу, им кричу 02.11.23 21:00 baron

• А русские почти все свалили. Ща у вас аралманы вместо русских, результат мы видели в январе 22 в алмаате 02.11.23 21:01 baron

• Скоро у вас в Свердловске пройдут всемирные Игры кочевников "Дружба-2024". Альтернативная Олимпиада. Наверное приеду. 02.11.23 21:11 samphan

• Вы про что тут воще? Прочитал ни чё не понял. Казахтан это украина вид с боку. Будут сосать следующие тысячу лет китаю или сша, смотря кто первый пристроится. Или и тем и другим. Видимо американский х*й слаще русского и китайский мягче в жопу входит. 02.11.23 21:18 Psihh

• Кергизов с победой, по делу выиграли. 02.11.23 21:26 baron

• Psihh, Юра ничо там не будет, там майдан будет в ближайшее время, дальше каменный век, что мы и видели в Алма-Ате. Там 50% населения ещё сотовые телефоны не видели. Вместо русских монголов переселяют бугага 02.11.23 21:29 baron

• Да вы охренели, ватники чертовы))))). Плять, думал, что весь этот руснявый трэш в тик-токе, ютюбе это какие-то локальные, реликтовые события. Оказывается нет. Оказывается тут цельный форум такой обдолбанный армянской пропагандой.))) Бедные мужуки, когда, ска, своей мозгой будете думать? В Казахстане все норм. Социальные аберрации не более чем во всем мире. Хочешь-не хочешь, а вот вспомнишь крылатую фразу Жириновского. 02.11.23 21:37 samphan

• Конечно в вашем заповеднике всё норм. Недавно вас талибы чуть-чуть живьём не зарыли. Наш президент х**ню спорол. Полез помогать. 02.11.23 21:40 Psihh

• Какие в попу талибы?!.. Это дряблый Назарбай с помощью своей гэбни (племянники) пытался вертануть ситуацию. И без Пыни бы все разрулили, но Токаев решил по-своему. Исламисты там конечно были, но они у нас никто. У вас в Эрефии православнутые алко-дебилы и дагестанские муслики куда как опаснее. 02.11.23 21:47 samphan

• Я думал, Псих, ты за это время подразвился. А ты деградировал. 02.11.23 21:48 samphan

• Ууу самфан ну это зашквар с твоей стороны))) про монголов то чего умолчал? Заселяют к вам монголов? 02.11.23 21:51 baron

• samphan, да как скажешь. А теперь исчезни отсюда. 02.11.23 21:51 Psihh

• " У нас все русские каз. яз. изучают. Ты, я вижу, тоже преуспел."(с)
Изучаю язык вероятного противника, не более. Я и по хохляцки немного понимал
Выдуманные государства рано или поздно заканчиваются.
Смекаешь к чему я? 02.11.23 22:00 baron

• У вас, парни, нет аргументов. Обычная тупая пропаганда в башке. Монголы, китайцы (возвращенцы) у нас есть. В их среде нет русского языка и советского бэграунда. Потому среди них имеет место вялая русофобия, обращенная при этом не на русских, а на русскоязычных казахстанцев. Да, конечно, есть колхозники. Но они знают свой шесток. Казахстан уверенно прет в светлое будущее. А вот у вас там, вижу, реальная жопа. 02.11.23 22:08 samphan

• Ты, барон, наверное этнический хохол. Оманкуртились постепенно. Псих тоже поди из каких-нибудь эндемических уральских племен.)) 02.11.23 22:13 samphan

• samphan, да всё у вас хорошо и вы уверенно прёте. Просто отъебись пожалуйста. 02.11.23 22:15 Psihh

• Чёт анекдот вспомнился

Одна казахская семья настолько любила фильм Терминатор, что назвала сына Айлбибек. 02.11.23 22:21 Голова Магнитского

• Псих, я ж не только с тобой общаюсь. Я вот, допустим, изучаю настроения жителей Урала. 02.11.23 22:22 samphan

• Айлбибек красивое имя. Не хуже чем Урювкос, Оюшминальд, Даздраперма... 02.11.23 22:26 samphan

• Псих, прививку от гриппа поставил? 02.11.23 22:29 samphan

• samphan, ну изучай. А так как тебя давно изучили уже ибо ты не сложный организм, то не обращай внимание на то, что на твою писанину ни кто отвечать не будет. 02.11.23 22:33 Psihh

• Не отвечают мне известно почему. У вас на всех форумах сейчас все молчат как при Джугашвили. Либо куйню несут орко-патриотическую. 02.11.23 22:41 samphan

• Сампхан ты не аba с Оллхокка?
Тот вроде как то говорил что сюда ныряет.. 02.11.23 22:42 Голова Магнитского

• samphan, тебе не отвечают потому что ты долбоёб. 02.11.23 22:45 Psihh

• Нет, я на хокк. форумах отсутствую уже как 13 лет. 02.11.23 22:45 samphan

• Заходи на оллхокк,на казахской ветке нормальные посоны обитают Мастер 16 ,Аба ,Чемп ,Марат.
Там и за политику можно пЕретереть и за жизнь)) 02.11.23 22:50 Голова Магнитского

• samphan, да тут есть люди, которые верят в боевых комаров. Но не все. 02.11.23 22:53 vizor

• Ого, уже ветки казахские поперли)). Хорошо. Обязательно приду. На Олхокке ж у меня древний аккаунт имеется. Спасибо. 02.11.23 22:53 samphan

• Боевые комары... Плять, если б мне в Совке лет 35-40 назад сказали б, что вот эти твои сверстники или их личинки будут верить в Бога и в комаров, я б не поверил. 02.11.23 22:56 samphan

• Был у нас такой барысовский активист с ником Grey. Он даже приезжал к вам побухать. Не слыхали об нем? 02.11.23 23:04 samphan

• Грей был такой ,но давно не видел,по политическим веткам любил бегать, может слили его.. 02.11.23 23:56 Голова Магнитского

• Спасибо, Голова Магнитского. 03.11.23 00:12 samphan

• Самфан, я грея лично знаю, но он вроде хохлов полюбил внезапно, на этой теме слился с горизонта. А про язык, выдуманные государства, русофобию ты намёк понял? 03.11.23 00:54 baron

• " Грей был такой ,но давно не видел,по политическим веткам любил бегать, может слили его.. Вчера 23:56 Голова Магнитского"
Может освинел настолько что Бахмут оборонять уехал? Ну щас и не найти тогда его... 03.11.23 00:59 baron

• Самфан, я грея лично знаю, но он вроде хохлов полюбил внезапно, на этой теме слился с горизонта.
Может освинел настолько что Бахмут оборонять уехал? Ну щас и не найти тогда его... Сегодня 00:59 baron
Понятно. Ну что ж, молодец, раз выбрал сторону разума и добра. 03.11.23 09:00 samphan

• Самфан... А про язык, выдуманные государства, русофобию ты намёк понял? Сегодня 00:54 baron
Про все это мне понятно. Все в современном мире выдуманное. Вы не исключение. Языки учи. Это хорошо. Особенно арабский. А еще учи Коран и сделай себе обрезание. На всякий случай. 03.11.23 09:09 samphan

• Удалите эту херню отсюда,
и узбека этого забаньте вместе с визором.

Да узбек мы ватнтки, последние холодильники
на ракеты пустили, за хлебом очереди, одежды
нет, всех тараканов съели…Так вам про Россию
в телеге и прочих ютюбах рассказывают?

Дак вот не верь, приезжай и посмотри, все у нас
хорошо, ты даже не представляешь как.
А вы со своей русофобией и верой в дядю Сема
скоро получите майдан, перережете друг друга,
за пару баранов и обвините во всем Россию и лично
Путина. 03.11.23 10:14 Миша (SDD)

• Да этот кергиз понимает же что они следующие.
Русофобия везде заканчивается одинаково 03.11.23 10:19 baron

• Миша нахера их банить пусть пишут 03.11.23 10:42 baron

• Согласен, зачем банить? Посмеяться можно))) 03.11.23 11:14 EA-SPORTS

• По мнению samphan, убивать россиян, это разум и добро. И не стесняется писать это на российском ресурсе. Я не хочу видеть его мерзкие слова здесь.
Вообще, любые политические сообщения, за и против, неважно, на хоккейном гесте неуместны. Политических форумов полно, там самовыражайтесь. 03.11.23 11:41 Uraletz

• Здесь согласен. Гест вне политики. Только хоккей. 03.11.23 12:06 EA-SPORTS

• По поводу сампфана. Тупой из вагона. Подавать чай его прямая обязанность. Я думал он поумнел, но нет. Наверняка с русских берет "на чай" и мило улыбается 03.11.23 12:12 EA-SPORTS

• Он может уже начальником поезда стал))) 03.11.23 12:19 baron

• Вы, друзья мои, сами затеяли тут про политику. Помню вы тут дружно смеялись, мол, Назарбай узурпировал власть, диктатор, аж 18 лет бессменно сидит. А теперь языки-то поприкусили. Я тут неподалеку общаюсь с вашими туземцами. И они сильно жалуются на шовинизм, на расизм, на бедность, на дегенеративную власть, на тотальную деградацию, на бессмысленную войну в Украине, на повсеместные гробы оттуда. Короче, пиз..ец полный констатируют в РФии. Зверьки атакуют аэропорты, уголовники, нацисты-сатанисты и алкаши нападают на мирную и братскую Украину, ресурсы задарма продаются Китаю. На всех политических перекрестках и углах сосетесь в десны с вурдалаками и девиантами типа Ына, Хаменеи, арабских вивисекторов. Какие-то отряды Путина, боевые комары, загорелые армянские шлюхи... Страну реально опустили ниже некуда. 03.11.23 13:11 samphan

• Парни, давайте про хоккей. Хорош уже. В заголовке всё точно сказано, каким темам здесь кипеть! 03.11.23 13:57 Чикаго

• Самфану.Не твое дело как мы живем. По крайней мере у пиндосов не сосём как вы. Всю жизнь жили за счет России потому как сами только овец пасти да чай пить ни хрена больше не умеете. Скоро когда победим опять прибежите к нам за деньгами. У вас даже мозгов не хватает понять что казахи пиндосам не нужны ни один человек. Нужны ваши территории и природные ресурсы. Ты даже не понимаешь что сейчас происходит на самом деле. Лучше слейся и не вылазь 03.11.23 14:02 matros

• Вот молчал не лез пока этот говнюк сампфан Великую Россию не стал дерьмом поливать. Слейся на куй как вода в унитазе. Все вы прихлебатели жили за счет нашей страны потому как ни работать ни изобретать ни хрена не можете. Только чай гонять овец пасти да плоф есть. Все время сидели на дотации из России. Россия все равно выживет и поднимется и вы снова к ней прибежите за деньгами. И не твое дело как мы живем Сегодня 13:26 matros

И зря, Матрос, ты полез. Судя по тейку у тебя ярко выраженный синдром Даннинга-Крюгера. Когнитивные навыки отсутствуют. Впрочем это нормально для провинциального ватника. "Прихлебатели..., кормили..., ни хрена не можете..." Ты эти смешные трюизмы забудь уже. Эта "наша страна" уже давно не ваша. 03.11.23 14:03 samphan

• Почитал всё это и сегодня даже желание появилось посмотреть на канале матч хоккей молодёжных сборных двух соседствующих государств. Вот игра и рассудит всё) 03.11.23 14:06 Чикаго

• Оставьте этого зверька для потешания 03.11.23 14:11 EA-SPORTS

• И не ведитесь на его троллинг) Парень только вагон видел))) 03.11.23 14:13 EA-SPORTS

• Самфану.Не твое дело как мы живем. По крайней мере у пиндосов не сосём как вы.
Да вы просто уже у пиндосов насосали на два столетия. Сколько они вас неблагодарных спасали, сколько интеллекта, технологий, производств привезли и внедрили. Обучали вас, мракобесов принудительно, для чего пришлось сквозь гулаги прошерстить вековую тупость и отсталость. Живешь, плять, в городе с названием немки-просветительницы, а туда же, в культуртрегеры лезешь. Мозгов совсем жок. 03.11.23 14:14 samphan

• Киргиз иди в жопу американского деда.
Объяснять, что либо тебе смысла нет.
Мозги тебе промыли добротно, со временем
может все поймешь, но это не точно.

Пы.сы . И про технологии даже не блей тут.
Вот скажи, что вы сами произвели кроме конины, баранины
и вонючего кумыса? 03.11.23 14:53 Миша (SDD)

• Ну вот НАХ*Й вы с этой обезьяной начали тут спорить??? Ему только это и надо. 03.11.23 15:57 Psihh

• Абсолютно согласен. Давайте про хоккей лучше. Шестое место и прогресса не видно. ((( жаль очень, но такова жизнь. Бывает (с) уже не с работает, надо рвать уже. 03.11.23 17:04 EA-SPORTS

• С такой игрой к концу ноября будем на дне со всякими борысами и отмиралами. 03.11.23 17:16 bessermann

• bessermann, так мы уже фактически ТАМ. Если команда в ближайшее время не начнёт играть, то я хз. Хотя когда оставили в команде трямкина, голышева и ещё пару дармоедов, сразу стало тревожно за сезон. Посмотрим. 03.11.23 17:46 Psihh

• Вот скажи, что вы сами произвели кроме конины, баранины
и вонючего кумыса? Сегодня 14:53 Миша (SDD)
• Ну вот НАХ*Й вы с этой обезьяной начали тут спорить??? Ему только это и надо. Сегодня 15:57 Psih
Миша SDD, ты сам-то что создал?)) Еще один шукшинист. Ты как бандерлог из "Маугли":"- Мы самые красивые и умные потому что так думаем и так говорим".
Психа, моего старого товарища, я не хочу обижать. 03.11.23 20:27 samphan

• Киргиз, а че ты вообще сюда приперся?
Какое твое дело до нашей страны и
президента? Тебе ишаку кто то, что то
плохо сделал? У тебя последнего барана

Че тебе надо? Иди паси свою отару и
не лезь к нам.

Мне лично на тебя и твою киргизию насрать,
хоть дерите там друг друга в сраку публично,
ваше дело.

Сгинь самостоятельно с нашей гостевой. 03.11.23 20:59 Миша (SDD)

• Один размотал десятерых без мата и оскорблений, на чужой территории 03.11.23 21:45 vizor

• Визор, мы толерантность соблюдаем. Пусть идет с миром.) 03.11.23 21:53 EA-SPORTS

• Че тебе надо? Иди паси свою отару и
не лезь к нам. Сегодня 20:59 Миша (SDD)
Мишка, давай лучше споем. Как там у знаменитых "Наутильос Помпильос" пелось?..

...С треснутой фарою, с дверцами старыми
Века прошедшего стиль
Где-то за городом, очень недорого
Папа купил автомобиль. Би-би! 03.11.23 21:54 samphan


03.11.23 20:20

Как я вижу, плюшки в другом. УГМК этот хоккей нахер не нужн, но есть джентльменские соглашения с властью, есть налоговые вычеты, есть охуенная воронка для отмыва бабла..Благотворительностью, в наше время,никто из миллиардеров не занимается..есть взаимовыгодные интересы

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